他真是個另類的天使啊!! 米夏柯林斯. Misha Collins
全名: Misha Dmitri Tippens Krushnic.
出生於美國麻薩諸塞州,1974年8月20日(獅子座)。謝謝熱心網友提醒 其實米夏的生日是8/20喔 但IMDb不讓改拉 XDDDD
美國演員。出演過2006年的Karla,飾演Paul Bernardo。
他在24小時反恐任務第一季中飾演一個壞人:Alexis Drazen。(這張是有點嚇到我了 你不適合長髮 知道嗎??Misha!!)
還有聖女魔咒中:They’re Everywhere一集中,The Charmed Ones的一個朋友。
*出版過詩集(我就覺得他有點像詩人XD),其中兩首"Baby Pants" 和 "Old Bones"可以在Columbia Poetry Review #21,2008年的版本中找到.
知道大家一定很想看, 所以去挖出來啦!! 如下:
Old Bones by Misha Collins
This morning
The smell of bacon
Brought me downstairs
But before I reached
The open kitchen door
A voice stopped me
My mother telling
Her old, arthritic dog,
“I know sweetness
You’ve been carrying those bones
For a long time.”
I leaned unseen
On the mildewed
Window sill
Watching her
Sip coffee
Fry Bacon
Her old dog
Pressing at her knee.
Baby Pants by Misha Collins
This morning I drive across town for a friend
To Justin’s house on a Saturday at 9.
His wife yells from under wet hair
Belt unbuckled
He’s down in the office
And I sit—collapse on the new couch
Custom made, brown and squarer than a couch should be.
Justin’s baby produces baby pants for my inspection.
I’m impressed, he can find his own pants now.
Can’t put them on, but knows
They go
On his baby legs.
And there I am
With my friend’s family
On a weekend morning.
The mother holds an envelope
In her teeth
Hoists and struggles
To pant her boy.
I’m slouching and hot in my vest
My blue, down vest.
Thinking today was colder than it is.
Forgetting that fall in California
Is like summer back home.
Plastic diapers pack the thighs of tiny corduroys
The smell of Cheerios bloated and floating in milk
What have I missed?
*曾經在尼泊爾的修道院短暫修行. 現在仍不間斷修行佛道及靜坐冥想.
*他住的房子是他自己蓋的! 包含了裡面所有家具喔!(除了有幾張椅子之外 XD)
CSI紐約S4第一集的犯人:Morton Brite
IMDb http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0172557/ By Ring
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misha_Collins 翻譯-子雨 ( 作品表因為格式問題 之後再補上 我會再研究的 抱歉啊!子雨 )